Latest installation in Austria
February 7, 2024

As the latest installation in Austria, the geriatric psychiatry and psychotherapy department at LKH Graz II, Standort Süd is now using AI-based technology from QUMEA. The aim is to increase patient safety, reduce falls and improve patient satisfaction. With this pilot project, the team is focusing on innovation in order to successfully overcome the challenges in the healthcare system.

Primarius Dr. Christian Jagsch and Head of Nursing Sabrina Bittelmayer B.A., MSc see the new approach using anonymous monitoring of potential falls as very positive. “State-of-the-art technology can provide the nursing staff with optimal support and act as a perfect aid in their varied everyday lives. Even after a short time, you notice that staff are curious and committed to trying out its targeted use.” Relatives are also showing interest in the new technology and are pleased about the increased safety for their loved ones.

Dominik Hutter, Account Director QUMEA “The ageing process is a complex, biological and dynamic process. In our collaboration with Graz University Hospital, our focus is not only on preventing falls, but also on taking patients’ individual needs into account. Innovation and patient well-being go hand in hand here.”

Kleine Zeitung: Künstliche Intelligenz hilft jetzt steirischen Pflegekräften

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